The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

1U-B Tnfwilay, Jun 14, I'JhO The Shreveport Jim SELL "DONT NEEDS" TO GET EXTRA VACATION CASH PLACE ADS TODAY ON 10-TIME PLAN With "Cancellation" Privilege DAILY AD HOURS: 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. WISHING WELL REPAIR-IT SERVICE 121) Painting, Paptiing EMPLOYMENT (38) ftmalt Help Woniad EMPLOYMENT (36) Malt Htlp Wanttd EMPLOYMENT (43) Work Wanted. Ftmala ANNOUNCEMENTS IS) Business Personals EXPERT Typing, all kinds. T.

F. Williams. Beck Blrta. 3-3073, or alter 5 MK 1-85 (2 MONEY TO LEND Licensed Pawnbroker Money on Articles ot Value CADDO JEWELRY AND LOAN COMPANV 700 Texas St Hhnne 3 7- BUS. OPPORTUNITY DEALERS WANTED FOR LA-ARK-MISS AREA, small investment tor dealership covered by machine, materials and necessary know-how to tint auto glaases with a pioven product.

Write T1NT-A-PANE INDUSTRIES, P.O. HOX HI23 SIIKKVEPOHT. LA. 4 8 A A 6 I 2 6 7 A 7 -r "6 15 "5 5 7 A 5 tr TT 6 a i -2 "a L. Xj 6 8 7 A HERE IS A PLEASANT little game that will give you a message every day.

It is a numerical puzzle designed to spell out your fortune. Count the letters In your first name. If the number of letters is 6 or more, subtract 4. tl the number is less than 6, add 3. The result is your key number.

Start at the upper lefthand corner of the rectangle and check every one of your key numbers, left to right, then read the message the letter under the checked figures give you. NEAT COLORED girl desires work In diK'tiir's nllue or beauty shop, Phnne 3-7M17 Hi "i iKKKEI'KH Sen elm V. 10 vem CPA experience Mrs Co 3-7(iiiJ I.K ti A I SecreWirv. 10 veai exnet ence Writ Call Vis Cox ni.uU dr-uea work Ti Wed MK I-0793 SEC liETAUV. Aue Degiee.

Netit. Intelligent. Call Mr. Lang-ford. EXPERIENCED nuuU.

Ollice or hftnm Ht'lerniinus. 5 davs. 3-('33 NEAT MAID ileslirs 5 il.i liuuse-work. S-8122 SECRETARY, deyier In Ituslnehs. Ill years rxnei iciue.

Age 35, ingle. Attractive, local lesidenl. Call Mr- Cnv, 3.76na EXTKIUENCED iiihiU desires work. 4 M'illii. IRONING dune in my home.

Maids available UN 1-3138 EXPERIENCED c.ifeleoa work or child cire. 3-4H49 MATURE in. id work desire 5 days IRONING in my home. Also maid wink. References.

7-3382. A T. DEPENDABLE MATS WANTS 3 d.ivi week. 2-3884 EXPERIENCED lualU days. Cinnd references.

desires 2-2822 ttAMHMi. ironing home done in uiv Can You Use A Babv Sitter? Ambitious Christian voting worn en. attending Suenrei nraunhn College wih hnhv I1 in exchanar for room and board Call Mr. Cunningham UN I BVi or Mrs IRONING DONE IN MY HOME. 3-8144 EXPERT IRONING or washing in mv home 5-2708 143-A) Nursery Chifd Core EXPERIENCED rhlldMrTrimv home, across Banett school.

1122 Lennder 3-82HB Ho.NSlK.H fenced vain, all Pickup. 1828 NLRSKHY Pickup and hot meals. MK 1-3 1 33 Experienced child caie Ir my home 1-2781 KSIDK hiln home MK are In inv HII I) care In nrtvale iininc Free nickuo delivery UN CHILD CARE IN MY HOMr. Tit I Giegory ME 1-8770 "SI EH-Child care my home, riav Board 2-8817 Ut'KKMsHOHO Plavlann N. liter Bahv sit nights Mk 1-wwh EX PKHIKNCKI) child cart In mv home MK 3-75iig.

Hi II HE NUHSKRY I7M I Ine 4 tHSVH. UN 1-397 BOSSIKH lender loving caie (or vour children in home Please call 4 CHILD CARE in my home. W. Canal. ME 5-6393.

7124 CEDAK cliild care. davs. oights, weekly oxard 7-1342. SUNSET ACRES Experienced ULTRA Modern Reducing Studio. child care, week, hour Mr.5-76.iS A11 nrw rqmpment, ideal for cou-CADDO HEIGHTS Child care in Pie.

$4.010 3-0083. 4-9635. HI SCHOOL diplomas. Sea American School "lnlruetion MECHANIC Immediate steady employment, Good salary. Must be experienced on trucks and light equipment.

Di links need not apply. Write Box 8013 Shreveport. la run. EG STUDENTS earn 2-4341 978 St Call ATTENTION WE ARE HIRING FOUR MEN In the Shreveport office. MunI be neat, aggressive and willing to start lin-inedlatrly.


Shreveport. I a COLORED man for retail ice cream route. Must be settled and sober. Melody Men. 22o6 Greenwood Rd 19811 ACCOUNTING GRADUATE, trainee, good future, begin $325 up.

SHREVEPORT EMPLOYMENT. 4M5', Tcmis 3-R582 EXPERIENCED DELIVERY man between ages 20-40. Apply Mitch ells nrug. 4914 Mansfield Hd WANTED Uaed car salesman. Good proposition.

Butler. 2-5H40. ISED CAR sHlftman with HULL- DORRS TRAINING. No others reed apply. See Ed Williams.

1745 as Ave 3-3838 (3i Saletmcn Wonted Management Candidates AGES 22-38 College Graduate Must have 10 vears' or more local redencv Must be piesently em-nloved. dissatisfied with income fntuie orosnects. success background, leadership capability. Bil-lion-rinllar company has 2 onen-Incs. Write for Interview Our men are aware of these openings Give full naviculars.

Write Box 121-A. Times-Journal. EXPERIENCED SIDING salesman, sensational new products. Apply In person. 7-8533 for appointment.

NEAT appearing men with cars for light delivery and collecting, full or part time, day and evening. 21 years or over. 8 months in city. Apply office. 627 Giddens- I.ancBldB.

I AM LOOKING for a particular rvne nf man to heln me tn my lie must he willing to learn the details of my business, Promotion possimuties are excellent. Selling experience helpful but not necessary as all men are selected through free aptitude tests. Call Chuck Simmons, 4-4101 between 9-12 noon. -2 men 20-40 tor sales woik in Shreveport area. Good opportunity tor advancement.

Must have car. Aooly 2802 Lakeshore Drive Irorn 9-5 Men Wanted To work in North Louisiana. Anes 21-45 Must he neat and hondahle. This is a permanent position Salary, commission and bonuses. See E.

B. Creech, Tuesday through Friday. 5-7 Jefferson Hotel or write U. L. Roy.

Box 98, New Orleans. La. (38; female Help Wanted WAITRESSES wanted for day shift, $30 week. MONTY'S CAFE. 1322 N.

Market. z-a83. me, w.iui WAITRESS ANTED Neat, good references. Others need not apply. Jewella.

WHI1E waitiess, living quarters available 3-9326 co*ckTAIL WAITRESSES. Apply in person. SHERRY-DEE LOUNGE 2H44 Barksdale B. C. LADY with car.

Commission, no investment necessary. For infor-mntinn call tunnerware, 5-8838. REAL ESTATE Have opening for first class saleslady experienced in listing properties. Must be full time, energetic worker. Excellent opportunity for right personality.

UN 1-3531. WANTED 5 ladies with car. 3 hours a day, 5 days a week. Experienced not necessary. We train you.

Can earn $50 per week. Phone ME 5-3732 or write Box 9221 Shreveport. La. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Morning shift. Apply Al-Ida Grill.

2273 E. Texas. Bossier. FOUNTAIN help wanted. Apply in person.

Smith and Malloy Drug. 2448 Lakeshore Dr. Call 3-8562 Shreveport Employment Jim Lankford, Mgr. Jobs Open Jobs 1. SECRETARY.

Personnel. 5-day week $300 2. OIL RECORDS CLERK 3. SECRETARY. Public relations $300 4.

SECRETARY. Oil $300 5. BURROUGHS CALCULATOR Irlnl SHHKVK.I'i I SM CHI I IK G. J. VETSCH, 388 rslrflelrt Hldg Phone 4-'V MONEY TO LOAN ON ANYTHING OK VAI UB KAHN LEVINE M6-18 I'smmos st Fhnne 7 PKK.SoNAI IOANS FAMII FINANCF CORP CO SHHKVKPORT 811 Mllsm SI Phnne 3 (49) Real fifote Loam Real Estate Loans SHHKVKPOHT BOSSIK.H CUV 48-Hour Service Barrow, Leary Co.

815 Market St Phone 3 t'ONSOI IUAIir VOIIH HII I Including ear payments with see nnd mortgage on your home. Or to 38 montns to Day. CITIZENS LOAN CORP 6V4 Marshall Phone 5 IWI Rr. PAIRS and imumvement loan 40 months to Dav SUHHKMK PAV PLANS INC. 801 Johnson Hldg John Arnold tcVr6 Loans on Real Estate In or Near the City.

6 Up FRANK GRAHAM 226 Milam St 3 3581 1st and 2nd Mortgages Made, bought, sold. $400 up. If vou are In trouble and need money the man most llkelv to help vou li LAWRENCE L. MAY Broadmoor Office, M24 Kings Hwv UN 1-7659 Ward Building 3-0541 Ask for Miss Lee (49 A) Mortgages, Notes f.OW cost 2nd and 3rd mortgages small oavments Sumeme Plans Ine Hilt lnhnnn HM KOH Hmne 1 4ians Southern Ae eenlnnee 'Mi. Mtkl St 4 ami (50) Wbntcd to Borrow MAN WITH EXCELLENT CREDIT RATING wants to borrow $12,000 for business venture, some to be repaid annually or semi-an nually for 5-veais.

plus Sl.non interest each year. $.1,000 bonus. UN 1-4107. FOR SALE ARTICLES COINS WANTED 1909 SVDB cent, ''5-uo 1909 S. $5-no.

1914 $15-110. 50. nickel, $1 v.S l9 D. S0c each LA COIN FX" ANGf 623 Texas Ave. 3-6(123 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY for two weeks costs you up to $2500 Phone before noon to arrange for your money the very same day! FINANCE CORPORATION 203 Simon Bldg.

(entrance 405 Vi Texas St.) Phone 3-4116 315 Ricou-Brewster Bldg. Phone 2-0345 611 Milam St. Phone 3-2543 Serving the South for over 30 yean EXECUTIVE SALES OPPORTUNITY To th man or woman with a oc ccssful buiineis background. A major national organization with offices from coast to coast otters ou Is land ing opportunity to capitalize on your excellent character and background, This position hat potential earnings of $1,000 to $3,000 per month in commissions and enables you to enter a lifetime Ages 40 to 60 desirable. There is NO TRAVEL REQUIRED.

Thor ough training and cooperation in developing a highly successful fu ture. Associates desired in Shreve port, Ruston, Homer, Many, Haynesville, Mansfield, Natchitoches, Arcadia, Winnfield and surrounding com' munities. A minimum of two years residence tn your commumty Is pre ferred. THIS IS NOT INSURANCE. Write stating education, business background, age and references or phone tor appointment lot Will H.

Hamilton Divisional Manager 1839 Line Ave. Shreveport, La. Phone 3-5811 June 13 through June 18 $5i a m. ar GROCERY Excellent location, good business opportunity, profitable huslness for 20 years, 2 sloiy brick building, comloi table living quarters. 2 blinks from Texas St.

Sacrifice lixlmes. lease to responsible party 2-8713. 2-5272 FOH SALE Auto Simply and home store in Tvlcr, Texas. Dealer for Major Brand Tire, with well established Budget and Cash business. Wrile Louis R.

DriKgers, 1327 Powers Drive, or Ph. LYnc 2-3493, Tyler. Texas. MUST KELL1 Bv owner. 2117 shares of stock in Wade Drug Corp.

Will sell tn single purchases, write Box 142-A, Timcs-Jnuriinl. GOING CAFE INDUSTRIAL AREA Stock, fixtures and business. $4,000. Lease or buy building. INVESTING New cafe building fixtuies, now leased for years, doing good business.

ASH ATERIA Call for details. Webb Monroe, Realtor 7-9881. 2-2200, 7-3814. MF. 1-2772 UN UN 5-18110 S-3086 MODERN, malor brand service, good location and volume.

Moving nut of town. MK. 1-6247. 4-9447. Huslness Radio equipped, franchise.

Contact nie at the Texas Hotel, Ft. Worth, till Wednesday, W. E. Biggs, Realtor, Greenville, Tex MAJOR Service Station well located. Has facilities for a second business, at Inventory.

7-2716. 7-2871. HIGH-CLASS gift-accessory shop. Contact me at the Texas Hotel. Ft.

Worth, till Wednesday. W. E. Burgs, Realtor. Greenville.

Tex. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY -House on large lot, transition area, double your monevl ARK-LA TEX HEAL TV 3-4353 Will Pay Cash For entire stocks of Dry Goods. Shoes, etc. Also surplus goods D. A Bookstall.

608 Commerce. Shreveport Kh 3 OK 19. Unusual Opportunity TO OWN YOUR BUSINESS AND MAKE REAL PROFITS With new Phillips 66 Service Station. Now Building and planning several stations tn choice location Approximately S.i.ono needed for Investment. No other Information given over phone.

CALL C. D. BROWN Mr. 5-2111 FOR INTEKVIFW BARGAIN! Hwy. 80 wrecking ard and garage.

3-0083. 4-9635 aulimiallc ice cieam milk shake machines. We train, finance, inform. 280 Southfleld. Call Hill K.ldridee.

collect 7-5M5 WE PAY CASH FOR entire stock of drr goods, shoes, men's, children and ladies' shoes, hardware, furniture. tewelrv. Hvman Cohen, 509 Jefferson Tower. Dallas 8. lexas.

Phone WHite-hall 3-9841) CASH FOR STOCKS f*ckNITUHE. APPLIANCFS. hard-ware, groceries, dry goods etc Anvwhere In Ark-Ia-Tex Phnne. write or wire: Joe J. Ivv.

839 iexas bnreveoort, 2-9251. MONEY TO LEND Signature Loans $25 to $1,500 Arrange by PHONE Convenient Monthly Payments Cash You 24-Mo. Cash You 24. Mo Get Pay Get Pa I 80 5 00 806 $44 00 228 14 00 989 54 00 413 24 00 1.263 69 00 615 34 00 1.483 81 00 Above oavments Include Interest Other amounts at comparable rates is. 18.

and 20 month repay, ment olans also available. DIAL FINANCE CO. Two Convenient 'ocatlons 514 Ricou-Brewster Bldg Phone 4-7701 1858 Texas Ave. Phone 2-2185 Loans FOR SEASONAL NEEDS Or For Any Other Purpose EASY to OUALIFY All emo oved men or women married or single, can get a loan under our plan. EXTRA FEATUHES You can get the money In an hour.

No age limit on life insurance EASY TO HKrAr S5.20 Repays a $60 Loan To Get $l(i to $2,000 or More CALL 4-4466 Harper. Foster or Mitchell American Loan Service 508 Crockett St. Phone 4-4466 Money Troubles? See Us for money wnen you neeo n. Auto, Signature, real estate loans Tn-State Finance 853 Texas Ave Phone 2-1139 A LOAN PLAN TO SUIT YOU G.A.C. FINANCE CORP 634 MILAM ST.

CALL 4-3247 Licensed Pawnbroker Money on Anvtbtne of Value Max's Loan Jewelry Co 538 COMMON ST PHONK Wr LOANS $25 to $1,500 Associates Finance Inc. Call 5-8'C CASH when you need It $25 to $300 or more. f.lRK.RTV CORPORATION 725 Common (Town House) 3-3185 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 8 8 a 2 1 4 Ti "7" 4 A 3 6 8 I -3 7 6 1 3 8 LEGALS NOTICE Notice Is hereby given, a tax sale will he held at the front door of the Moonngsport City Hall, at one o'clock Saturday, July 2.1. HHiO. On the following; (Ronnie D.

Blarklcdiie Lot 7 East IB ft. of Lot 3. Cole Annex Ikloni ingsporl Imps $16 S3 (R. J. Fuller Lots 49 50 Patterson Subn.i $3.74 Billy Miick Flanagan Lot 8 tc West 8 Ft.

of Lot 7. Blk 21 Mnorlngsport A IMPS.) $39 27 (Mrs. Adda Boll Sevborti Lots 70. H'St 105 Cole Annex. Moonngsport Imps $44 12 E.

Wynni 0.25 Acre In Sec. 36120-181 Per Assrs Country Plat 175ft Trace 25 IMPS $3.61 RUBY MELTON Clerk of Moorlngsport The Shreveport Times: June 14. 21. 28: July a. iwu.

United States District Court estern District of Louisiana Shreveport Division. United States of America. Plaintiff vs. 1.573.84 Acres of Lund In Laddo and De Soto Parishes, Louisiana. August P.

Barque, et al. Defendants. Civil Action No. 3837. Notice: TO: Rufus J.

Tucker. Chnrlcs Tucker. Cleopherans Tucker. John ifiuins. Unknown owners.

Fleae take notice that the Motion to Confirm the award of the Wallace Lake Land Commission relative to Tract No. 116 of Civil Action No. 3837, will be brought on for hear- ins in the United States District Court. Third Floor. Federal Build ing.

Shreveport. Louisiana at 8:40 A.M.. July 5. I960. You are invited to be present and make whatever opposition you have to the said motion.

T. Fitzhugh Wilson. United States Attorney. Shreveport Times: June 14. 21, 26, ihhcv SUCCESSION OF MILTON CHARLES CRAWFORD DECEASED No.

143.013 FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT. PARISH OF CADDO, STATE OF LOUISIANA Notice is hereby given that Marilyn Keith Crawford and Blaine M. Crawford, the duly appointed, acting and qualified coadministrators of the Succession of Milton Charles Crawford, deceased, has. pursuant to the provisions of R. S.

9:1451, petitioned his Honorable Court for authority to sell, at private sale, the following described property belonging to the Succession, to-wit: An undivided one half (Vat interest in the following described property located and situated in Bossier Parish. Louisiana, to-wit: Beginning at a point on South RiKht-of-Way line of U. S. Highway No. 80.

210 feet Easterly from Southeast intersection of point of said Highway and State Highway No. 10. run thence Easterly along South Right-of-Wav line of said U.S. Highway No. 80.

110 feet: thence Southeasterly parallel to State Highway No. 10. 2fi0 feet: thence Easterly parallel to U.S. Highway No. 80.

95 feet; thence South 100 feet; thence Southwesterly parallel to U.S. Highway No. 80. 25 feet; thence South 150 feet: thence Southwesterly parallel to U.S. Highway No.

80. 95 feet; thence Northwesterly parallel to U.S. Highway No. 10, 522.12 feet to point of beginning and located in Lot 22. Dillard Place Subdivision in Section 28, Township 18, North, Range 13 West.

Bossier Parish. Louisiana, as shown by plat of survey by George E. Dutton, Civil Engineer, dated June 21. 1938. and recorded in Conveyance Volume 141, Pace 81.

Records of Bossier Parish, Louisiana, all of said property beinR more particularly shown on plat of the survey made by R. L. Tatum, Registered Engineer, dated July 22. 1946, a copy of which it attached to mortgage given by Fields et al to Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company and being filed under Registry No. 53389.

Together with all building improvements and appurtenances thereon or thereunto belonging and in addition thereto, all of the furniture and fixtures located in the building which is a Motor Hotel, known as the "Beacon Courts." Said sale to be made by said administrators by joining with the Co-Owner in the execution of the deed to the entirety of the above described property for a total price and consideration of Ninety Thousand Dollars 1. cash, the same being Forty Five Thousand Dollars ( for the interest of the said Succession, all as shown more fully by a copy of the proposed deed which is attached to and made a part of the petition of the appli- "SoW THEREFORE, in accord ance with the law made and pro viried for such cases notice is hereby given that Marilvn Keith Crawford and maine M. craw-ford. Co-Administrators, propose to sell the above described movable and immovable property, at private sale, for the price and upon the terms aforesaid and all of those whom it may concern, including the heirs and creditors, are required to make opposition, if anv they have or can. to such course, within ten (101 days, including Sundays and holidays, from the date whereon the last publication of this notice appears.

BY ORDER OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT on the 10th dav of June, 1980. D. D. PYBURN Deputy Clerk of Court Estess and Coyle Attorneys at Law Shreveport Times: June 11. 14.

21, 28: July 5. 12. 1960. ANNOUNCEMENTS FUT.LFR HHUSH I Ol'r Mons, Ask vour dealer or MB 1-1230 dav. 3-97K4 evening (4) Lost and found LOST Lady's Hamilton watch, white gold.

In viclnty of Ijke Cliff or Officer's club. Barksdale. $50 reward. Call 400 Haynesville, La. Collect.

IF YOU see a pet in distress call the Humane Society, ME 1-7849. If vour pet is lost. USE a Times-Journal Ad here. Dial 3-7131, 2-0381. "Charge It." LOST Boy's Red Schwinn Bicycle.

On Centenary campus. Re-w a rd. 3-4443. (5) Business Personals To Answer a "Box" Ad It's FREE or the Asking! As a convenience to the reader and as a service to the advertiser Times-Journal Want Ads with "box numbers" may be answered by merely phoning the Classified Dent. Your name, address and phone numbers will be placed on a special form card However, no information will be divulged as to the Identity of advertiser or subject matter.

Dial 3-7131. 2-0381. SEWING instructions, day and evening class. ME 5-6243, UN 1-7374 PAPKHING. painting, sir tob.

Sugars. MC I -2eiM HOUSK Daiiillm a. 1A aMnAM- enro No lob too large, a vent guarantee. Ml" VH081 'or estlinsi tPAiNl'iNi, Interior md exltn.ti sheeimrking extnne nm PAIN llski, 1111111 hramnaPle Mrs t-red Jmnsnn Ph Ml- I-1M! Joseph S. Caldwell Repair, etc Free estimates.

In. siued Guaranteed MK 1 -11408 PAIN1 ANY HoUSe (INK COAT. $50 2-49II PAINTING Papriuig. shertioek finishing. Minor repairs.

Insured. No money down, 18 months to pay. UN 3-44H2, MF. 5-Vifi) Lonnie Noble, Painting Contractor. Large or small lobs Insured-Guai an leed-Estimates.

Phone MK 5-8H8I pan UN per Frd Cox. 7-M78 (23) Plumbing, Hooting sTpticTtTnswvw'' Cleaned and Installed HAYNKS SANITATION 609 Biownlnt UN UN V3HW Belcher Plumbing Co. Plumbing repairs, all water heat- ers Carl Belcher Ir UN 5-9781 rleuMii aervite pnnn UN a-M4t Shreveport Plumbing "One all lines If All" S3) lt FoH exuert pliiiuomg and recall Call "lane" BHIOGS 1-88M Kl.llMBINU MA 1 KHIAI.S RK.T AIL AND WHOI.KSALh "Repair Work our Sneclalty." SCHHOFt KH PI.UMHING CO IV5 Pierre Ave IWi. (. 1 I lanKt cleaned una plumhlng H'ickahee 7-H7V2.

i MTi (2i) Rodio lV Rtpairi COOPER West Side Pidsnn -5418 CM IL AlilO A.NU 1 OPKN 7 HAYS $3 MK l-77t- WARD TV FAST SKKVICE 9 AM 9 PM All parts and labor guaranteed In wrilme UN I 4I'(0 $3 Best TV $3 Phone UN 5-2093 Able TV Company Fast. Relinhle Service. 2-739! (31) lailoi, Oitumakui DHKSSMAKING. alterations. Mrs Leah Crow 537 Kit by t'N I -79101 HAH- IN

O' Hies buttonnnies. belts. 719 Stephenson '33) Upholsteimq, Decoiott MODKHN WAY UPHOLSTKHY I'HOY PAHKf PH MK amis VK'IKKANS UPHOLS1 rlY SrloP Fair prices Work guaranteed Phone 4-558P FINE UPHOLSlrKiNG Reasonable. Uauthler. UN l-Uti GOOD THINGS TO EAT Blackberries $3.50 CRATE $2.50 You Pick 'Em Berry Farm 10 miles south Shreveport on Highway 1.

Phone UN 1-4840. EMPLOYMENT AAA EMPLOYMENT Office Bookkeepers Sales Piolessionals. Register with us Ward Bldg. 525 Marshall 2-3878 For the Job Vou Want Register With Us! OFFICII Pl.ACKMKN'l HUKKAU 4 1 MlUm Wl lohnne Hide NOTICE! Taylor Employment Service is now interviewing Shreveport A Bossier residents for openings in office, technical, executive, sales, and trainee Jobs TOP PAY! Interviews 9-2, or by appointment TAYLOR Employment 505 Giridens Lane 3-3827 (36) Male Help Wanted WANTED Route Salesmen. Apply in person before 7 a m.

or after 5:30 p.m. to Bama Pie 4308 Greenwood Rd Wanted Experienced Planer Man For Colorado Mill Desire man of good character and ability. Write Box 131-A, Times-Journal ELDERLY MEN for retail ice cream routes. Must be settled and sober. Melody Men, 2206 Greenwood RriV Electrolux NEEDS men for Sales and Service 1304 Centenary.

MEN for retail ice cream routes ARTS HAINHOW. 27M9 Wlr1 ROUTE MEN White or colored. Can eern SlOd week or more. Apply tn person 2910 lewella Rd We Are Looking FOR A MIDDLE AGE FAMILY MAN The man we choose must have service station experience and be capable of supervising a chain of service stations In North Louisiana Area. Write P.

O. Box 3583 Shreveport. La. EXPERIENCED counler man lor small automotive parts store References. Write Box 132-A.

We Need 12 Men In SHREVEPORT MARSHALL MONROE ALEXANDRIA TEXARKANA HUSTON Who are Interested in a PERMANENT high income position, and who must earn at least $1404175 weekly. Pleasant work for willing workers who "want steady employment. Car necessary. Apply Monday through! Wednesday. 9 a -II a.m., 2 p.m.- 4 p.m., 978 Jordan.

or Wrile Box 141-A, Times-Journal. CONTRACT TRUCKMEN make Trailer furnished. It ovei 22 write MAYFLOWER, Box 101 Indianapolis 6, Ind. Counter Cook White, experienced, good pay. PAVER'S GRILL 1621 Kings Hwy.

Experienced Route Salesmen FAIRFIELD CLEANERS 1400 Fairfield Ave. Te or WAITRESSES Full or Part-Time AppIv After 4 P.M. STORK SUPPER CLUB HIDE-AWAY LOUNGE SHO-BAR Travel While You Work As a Stewardess With American Airlines If you meet these qualifications, Single. Between 20 and 26 years old A high school graduate Weigh 105-135 lbs. Are 53" to 5 8" tall Have 2050 vision without glasses Come for an Interview Captain Shrcve Hotel June 15, 6 p.m.-8 p.m.

No Appointment Necessary American Airlines AMERICA'S LEADING AIRLINE WANTED Lddv. awed 50-55 to live In as companion to elderly ladv. Light housework, small salary. 7-0591, COLOR ARTIST Experienced. Full or part time.

Avalnn Studios, 307 Market St. EIGHT PART-TIME telephone receptionists. Day and evening shi'ts. No experience necessary-will train. Must be 18 or over.

AppIv 827 Guldens-Lane Bldg. RELIABLE WOMAN WITH CAR If you consider yourself dependable, aggressive. I want to talk to you. I will train you to earn good pay. Full tune.

For women in similar positions in other areas, are earning upward of $100 weekly. Also some part time. Interviews from 11 a 3:30 30 m. 978 Jordan. EXPERIENCED Waitress NEAT APPEARANCE DAY SHIFT NO PHONE CALLS APPLY IN PERSON La Sands Western Hills Hotel Hwy.

80. Bossier City COMBINATION Manicurist Receptionist j0 SALARY PLUS COMMISSION to operator established in High- land Brnaamoor. snreve isiana and vicinity 7-1033 AIRLINES NEED Young women 17 to 39. Spp our ad under Instructions. National Sfhool of Aeronautic.

Experienced Waitress APPLY Kickapoo Restaurant 2141 E. Tex. B. C. WAITRESSES, apply in per9on.

Club Forest. Minden Road WHITE housekeeper to live tn, babysit. Room, board end salary. Relerences reouired. Write Box 128 A.

Times-Journal. PLEASANT pait-time phone work. 3 shifts. Apnlv Mrs. Fournier.

Gardner Hotel, Room 214. ATTRACTIVE white co*cktail waitress. Salary plus tips. Apply in person. After 3 m.

Gores Tavern. 3-9152 or 08-9123 WANTED experienced waitress. Apply in person Laing's Cafe. 1205 Texas Ave WANTED MANICURIST Exceptionally good fuarantee end commission. 7-8577.

LOOKING FOR A JOB? See Elm My Ad Under Instructions PHX Hecer.tionist School WAITRESS AND FOUNTAIN HELP Some experience necessary. Must be over 18 years of age. Apply in person to MR. HAWKINS Shreveport Druggist No. 11 BROADMOOR DRUG Corner Youree Dr.

Atlantic (41) Male, female Wanted. COUNSELOR Experienced Employment Counselor. Taylor Employment Is now Interviewing for an addition to the staff, to raise the number of counselors to FOUR. This is not a replacementhut a necessary addition, because of the rapid growth of our business. Salary for one month, then draw against commission.

Should earn $400 to $500 in three months. See Miss Taylor at 30S Giridens Lane Bldg. Teachers College Students Can offer you very pleasant and profitable work for summer or full time. For appointment write: P.O. Box 1741, Shreveport.

l42, Work Wanted. Male summer work. la LAWNS MOWED CARS WASHED Anderenn-Slireve Island Reool'irlv by white college hoy UN 6-1638. TFACHKR wild MA. Degree desires summer employment.

Tutoring preferred. Write Box 130-A, Times-Journal EXPERIENCED colored bartender wants work. 2-6122; (43) Work Wanted, female 1 EXPERIENCED typist, assistant bookkeeper desires position In small office. Write Box 140-A, Times-Journal. MAID, private home work, baby-si 1 1 i ReJrencesJNK7237 COLORED GIRL, graduate, cafe-terla work References.

3-4322. EXPERIENCED maid desires 3 days work. 4-5175. RELIABLE maid desires work. 8 a m.

tn 2 p.m. Phone 5-2725. NEAT COLORED GIRL wants 5-davs: baby sitting. UN 5-3051. CAPABLE maid work.

UN 1-2481. desires 5 days EXPERIENCED maid days work. Ref. 3-0362. desires 5 DEPENDABLE maid desires 5 days work as cook.

3-6540. MAID desires 5 davs References. Phone 2-7R26. work. RELIABLE maid desires work days.

Phone 3-7769. R.HJKKKKI'INU- Small or el. Phone or 3-77511. (9; Ttovel, Short RIDES available tn Rio Grande Valley via Austin and San Antonio leaving Wednesday morning. Call ME 6-0331.

REPAIR-IT SERVICE Window Cleaning RKSIIIKNt AND t'OMIYIKHI'IAL Floors Cleaned and Waxed Shreveport Window Cleaning Co Hii 0'i-Hrewtf Hirtg t'h 4 4HH' LuMKl.l Stove Keuau Shop Good used stoves. Stoves steam-cleaned like new 201a aurel. M-WIM. COM I Hallos, dilves. Walks siens Reasonable Mr I I4 HUKSr raiMna sun leveling rr einiHtes Mr I'N T-nn! ee WI4 Blinds Kelaped DIXIE VfcNrllAN til.INO CO.

2WIH Gilbert Parking 7-3nn WtLL SKILI.r.O palios. poiilies. driveways, foundations, sidewalks, blnckwork. swimming pools. Call Irinv Hhone Mr I-04HH All! CONDITIONING.

REFRIGERATION AND ATTIC FANS Service and Repair. Pick up and delivery. Phones U.N 4-8701 or UN 1-3283 FAllw uiick I'loeK work, reasonable riert lohnsnn. Vf l-7h4l (14) Corpcnftr, Rcmodei ADDITIONS. AHiinlnnm Siding.

Brick-Stone, r.H A Financing Guaranteed Work, tf tstimates 1607 Market i-im Diamond Snow. Ine AliOllloNb remodeling repoira Guarnnleed Joe Sienher. 7-H781 20 Year Financing Remodeling, new additions. Plans to your satisfaction. Don delay, call todav.

DAI TON CoNSiHUC-TION CO (NC a 4IH4. 3-nHii Hf MODM.ING AKDIllOiSS New Homes Built ME 6-03V8 F. A. Tibbits, Bldr. Highland Kemodeling 20 years at modernizing kitchens, baths, dens.

We build, roof and paint. Highest quality of labor and material. Bird roof and aluminum siding. Infixed anj bonded. J.

M. Harris. MC 5-5o-ff or MK SIDING roots, rooms orlcK. re-nairs. terms.

City siding MK 1-7HHII 1-STOP SHOP Remodel, repair, add-on, re-roof, paint, re-wire, plumbing. Free estimate. ME 1-0574. REMODELING HEP A IRS Genei a) Contractors J. A.

ROSS 4 R. PAGE ME 1-9H58 ME 5-1776 REMODELING, additions, repairs Financing. Free Estimates. GILCHEASE PAINT CO. Barksdale Blvd.

B. C. 2-0889 Remodeling Building Experienced. expert planning. building.

Entire job under one contract. Insured, bonded. V. Constr. Co.

4-9879 GENERAL contracting Small, lame lobs. H. W. Myers. 3-2751 Repair to Remodeling Paints Lumber.

Carpenter Tools Financing Available Call Us Now Free Estimates HARPF.R-DOSSETT LBR. CO. lnl5 Gnmmett Dr. Phnne 4-1481 No Money Down Weeks Home Remodeling We 'emndel anything from roof to basem*nt Roy Emmons, J. 1).

Weeks 2515 I skhore 4-5976 3 HH4I CARPKNIKK repair work, painting, free estimates. UN 1-2946. Mf 1-2317. CARPENTER work. Building or repairs.

Modern cabinets and sheet-rocking. W. R. Okes. MF 1-3TO8.

No Down Payment ALCOA SIDING HOOFING ADDITIONS REPAIR QUICK SERVICE MODERATE PRICE Home Improvements Inc. Call MK HII. UN 3 Build Remodel Repair FREE ESTIMATES. FINANCING CARROLL I UMBKB 7-4403 Remodeling Repairs NEW HOMES Call us for Reliable Carpenters Free Estimates-Financing Patrick-Reed Lumber Co. Bossier City Phone 5-7702 REMODEL, REPAIRS, additions, painting 3-1304.

LO 1-1901. HKMODKL oi KKPA1H slieelrnrk-Ing. textoning, painting, carnentrv garages, roofs, plumbing and electrical. Complete financing arranged. MORGAN LUMBER CO.

Office 3-3531 NlRht MK 5-3807 BUILDING and Remodeling, residential or commercial work. No job too large or too small, free estimates. Excellent references Bonded and insured MK 5-1511 JAMES K. STRONG, Contractor. Heoair.

Build, Insured, listed Better Business Bureau for your protection. 2421 Waverly, BC. 4-7891 CAHPKNTHY. remodeling, repairs sheetrocking. painting.

Work guar anteed mk o-B47 CARPENTER work. All kinds to vour plans or mine. 7-5504. WILL BUILD IO YOUR PLANt OH MINE. ME 5-1401 G.

W. Hunter, Bldr. ADDITIONS, lemodeitng, baths kitchens. FREE ESTIMATES. BUCKLEY AND ROY.

Builders 7-0037 4-1509 Call Us tor Repairs FREE ESTIMATES 2121 TKXnS AVE. 3-0536 Hardtner Lumber Co. CARPENTER REPAIRS Also remodeling. Free estimates No job too small. Phone 2-4W9 FN KB ESTIMATES For additions and repairs Licensed and insured J.

W. LANDON, Contractor Phone 7-7829 Repairs Remodel Additions Trowbridge Lumber Inc. ME 5-3533 7-3006. MF 1-1737 A. Anderson, general building contractor.

Any type building or repair. Helo finance Ph 7-P46 (17) Electric Works RURAL house wiring and electrical 220 installation. 3-3778. John R. Davis Electric Commercial and Residential Wiring and Repairs 930 Milam St Phone 4-0791.

7-9592 or (19) Lawn Mower Repairs repair Buy and trade, repairs, all work guaranteed. Pickup and delivery. ME 5-3453. 7700 Jewella Rd LA VV MVIOWKKb Hf.HAIHCU Free Pick-up. deliver Repairs on all makes and models Including reel tvoe mower sharpening Factory authorized service for Brlggs-Slratton.

Clinton, Law-son and Power prodncta engines We do Warranty work on above makes. COPK.l ENTERPRISES 2606 Lakeshore Dr. 4-2744 LAWN MOWERS And small engines repaired. All makes. Pickup and delivery service.

GALE OUTBOARD Motor Service. Akin Motor Boat Exchange 19H8 Kings Hwy. 3-8571 (21) Painting, Papering PAINTING Cheaper than doing It vourself. Walls, $4 each. Ceilings, $10.

Trim, $2 opening. We furnish everything. UN 1-4379 PAINTING, paoenng. texUining reasonable: 30 years experience Try me F. C.

Wallace. UN PAINTING-Papenng. Job big or small. Insured. Leon.

ME 5-1857. HOUSE painting, textone. Reason- able. Estimates. Taylor.

3-9422. LEGALS SV5iSik-'v -sV IN THE MATTER Or: HAROLD ROOGAERTS PRAYING FOH MONITION NUMBKR 144132 FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT COl'RT CADDO PARISH. LOUISIANA WHEREAS Harold T. Boogaerts became the puichaser of the property which li hereinafter described on the 8th day of Auiutt. 1956.

(t the door of the Court Home In the City of Shieve-port. State of Louisiana, at Tax Sale for the City Taxes of Shreve-port. for the year 1955. levied againit ald property belonging: to Dave McKlnney. a resident of Caddo Parish.

Louisiana, said Tax Sale being filed and recorded on August 17. 1956. in Book at Page 811 of the Conveyance Records of Caddo Parish, and WHEREAS since the date of the aforesaid Tax Sale said property has not been redeemed by the aaid Datr0WMTKHnEREriOFC. KNOW YE that all persons interested herein or who can set up any right of Informality tn the order or pro-cedure under which said Tax Sale was made, or any Irregularity or illegality In the appraisem*nt or advertisem*nt in the time and manner of sale, or for any other defects whatsoever, are cited and admonished in the name of the State of Louisiana and of the First Judicial District Court. Caddo Parish.

Louisiana, to show cause within thirty (30) days from the date of this monition ts first inserted In the public newspapers, why the sale so made should not be confirmed and hom*ologated to Twenty-on. (211. Block Ten (101. of the MAYFAIR SUBDIVISION, a subdivision of the City of Shreveport, Caddo Parish. Louisiana.

Shreveport. Louisiana, this the 16th day ol May. isou. ADAMS. yBROCATO AND BOLIN ATTORNEYS Shreveport Times; May 17.

24. 31. June T. M. 17.


LOU1 SIANOTICE OF APPLICATION No'ice is hereby given that Mrs. Tressie Arnold. Administratrix of the above captioned succession, in 1h nrnvislonS Of K. S. 9:1451.

petitioner this Honor able Court for aumoriiy iu c. rt private sale for the price of $4,500. payable in cash at the time of the execution of the deed, the following described property belonging to the Succession of Josephne Smith, to-wit: The North Half of (N'4) of lot 91 of Citv Park Addition, a subdivision In the City of Shreveport. Caddo Parish. Louisiana, as per map or plat of said subdivision recorded in Book 100.

Page i qt tv rnnvvvanre Records of Caddo Parish. Louisiana, together with ail buildings and Improvements thereon. NOW, THEREFORE. In accord, ance with the law made and provided In such cases, notice is herebv given that Mrs. Tressie Arnold, Administratrix, proposes to sell the aforesaid immovable property at private sale for the price and upon the terms aforesaid and all those whom It may concern.

Including ine neira ana creditors, are requirea io mane opposition, if any they have or can. to such course within ten 1 101 days, including Sundays and holidays, from the date whereon the last publication Ol mis nonce appears. By order of the First Judicial District Court and for Caddo Parish. Louisiana, on this the 6th day of June, I960. R.

TOWNS Deputy Clerk, First Judicial District Court In and for Caddo Parish. Louisiana, on this the 6th day of June, 19fi0. James R. Alexander, Attorney. Shreveport Times: June 7, 14, 21.

28. July 3. p. iw. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS NATIONAL SAVINGS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY A spec'al meeting of the stockholders of National Savings Life Insurance Company will be held to consider an increase In capital stock of.

and a plan of conversion for, the company. Such meeting will be held at 10:00 o'clock, A.M.. on July 9. 1960. at the offices of the company at 6535 Line Avenue.

Shreveport. Louisiana. HERBERT A. DW1RE, Kert a rv-Trpasi i rer Shrevenort Times: June 7 through Julv 6. 1960 ABANDON FREIGHT FOR SALE JUNE 28, UNIVERSAL CAR-LOADING AND DISTRIBUTING FRANKLIN MARSHALL STREETS, SnnfcVtrUMl, JL.A.

Aluma-Flex mineral rubber coating pigmented with aluminum contains wurtzilite for founda tions, installations. 100 gals. Ezra Dean, Atlanta, La. 100 Gals. K.

L. Brown, Gilliam. La. DOG POUND is located foot of Travis Street. If you do not find your dog there, USE a Times-Journal Want Ad here.

Dial 3-7131. 2-0381 "Charge It NOTICE Succession of William R. Harrison, No. 142048 First Judicial District Court. Caddo Parish, Louisiana.

Notice is hereby given that Russell Kay. administrator of the above succession, has made application to convey to Shreveport Auto Finance Corporation one 1956 Studebaker Station Wagon, Motor No. 8431787, for the consideration of the cancellation of the judgment rendered on the note jecured by the chattel jnort- on said sVtion "th sSSSeeeten the release of this Succession from the payment of any indebtedness or deficiency on the said judgment; and all persons interested, including the heirs and creditors of this Succession, are herebv notified to make opposition to said application, if any thev have or can, within ten days from the last date upon which publication of this notice appears. Witness the Honorable Henry F. Turner, Judge of our Court, on this 7th day of June.

1980. D. D. PYBURN, Deputy Clerk. Smallenberger.

Eatman. Tooke 4c Lvnch. Attorneys The Shreveport Times: June 9. 14. 18 1980.

NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS OF SOUTH STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY In accordance wrth S. of 1950, 22:73, notice ts hereby given that a special meeting ot roe siock hnldera nf Smith States Life In surance Company will be held to consider proposal to emend the articles of Incorporation of tuch corporation as to Increase the capita) stock theteof. Such meeting will be held et 10:00 o'clock, A.M.. on June 30, 1960. at the Caddo Hotel, Milam Street.

Shreveport, Louisiana, in Dining Room 1. Harold A. Huber Secretary-Treasurer to i ti (S. of mv home. Daytime.

7-9712. INSTRUCTIONS TUTORING Reasonable. Anv subject. Bossier City area. 3-2332.

Medical Technology Career Register now for fall classes. Enrollment limited. For further Information, phone 3-2405. CATALOG ON REQUEST DIXIE SCHOOL MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY. INC.

1211 Town House. Shreveport. a. SHORTHAND IN SIX WEEKS SPEEDWR1TING U-e ABC's 120 words a minute Speedwriting School 720 Travi Phone 2-8739 MEN-WOMEN Learn to become a private Investigator. GUARD or STORE DETECTIVE.

No experience necessary. Spare-time training. Phone for free Information. 3-2529. FIDELITY DETECTIVE AGENCY SWIlt HMOAHD iKAIMNU Receptionist, fvolng Course Train on live boards.

Day and night class 3 weeks. No high school diploma or age limit. FREE PLACEMENT. ELITE PBX AND RECEPTIONIST SCHOOL 811 Commercial Hldg Ph 2-1285 SUNSET Beauty School, any hour, terms 64- Hearne. MK 1-1644 Reathers Beauty School Better training for less money.

2924 Greenwood Rd. Ph. MF 1-8731 REMEDIAL READING AND SPELLING CLASSES June 14-July 12. Phonics. lab, mechanical aides.

Mrs. James. 7-1713. High School "Sorry, Can't Use You!" We re Hiring High School Graduates Eliminate this handicap by finish Ing High School or ore-high, school tnrougn nome-stuny wnn American School. Our B3rd vear.

Over 6.500 graduates In 1959 alone. $6 monthly Includes new books and complete instructions. For FREE Booklet write: AMERICAN SCHOOL 236 Egan. Shreveport, L. Phone L.

G. TULLY, Rep. International Correspondence Schools. Phone 7-4272 or UN 1-1588 Box 618 Shreveport. a Majestic Beauty School Marguerite G.

Metcalf. Mar 1H27 Line Phnne 3-8641 TRAIN AND PREPARE FOR Civil Service Jobs No experience necessary, grammar school education usually sufficient. Start high as $4,800 first vear. We prepare men and women, ages 18-50. Civil Service offers security, good pay, advancement and retirement.

Write Box 164-E, Times-Journal giving phone number and directions to home adriressi S'port Beauty School DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES 400 Milam Vera Rogers. Pres TUTORING Algebra, Arithmetic, English, Phonetics. 2-3734. BUS. OPPORTUNITY LIST YOUR BUSINESS WITH IKK I.OWKNT'HAl.

UN 1-2669. Prolit Opportunity Excellent location for SPEED QUEEN coln-oneiated laundry now available In this area. $5,000 investment can produce $5,000 per year net profit, for complete details call or write John J. Tanner 2612 2-3923. ME 1-2568 Shreveport, La.

Ford Commercial Sales MAJOR OIL CO. Medium size station. Excellent location. Good potential. Minimum Investment 2-7156 or 7-4032 NKW AND KUUIPMMM 1 AND BUII.K.RS EASY TERMS CI.RANKHS A LAUNDRY EUU 518 Lake St Phone 3-093 BUSINESS orooeitv financed by Southern Acceptance, sua Market 4 PHODUCING OH Wells, tneelnei All eauloment Immediate month Iv Income Phone 4981 or 3-6395 OR SALE-Bob Barbecue on Llnwood Ave across Confederate Memorial Hospital.

7-918A after lit MOTEL 12 UNIT motel with beautiful brick. 2-bedroom home and office also duplex and about 2 acres ground on new 8 lane highway in Central Texas. For sale or trade for property In this area. Z-76Z1 or 5-2171. I iBht tvnTne $215 WILL RELOCATE FROM MAR-R -HFTAFtY SHALL.

TFX. OR TRAVEL. F.x- Construction Perlenced 9. SECRETARY. College or ment.

age 36, BS business ad- expenence ministration. Write Box 167-E, 10. CASHIER. Light typing $200 Times-Journal 11, SECRETARY. For busy COLORED high school boy desiies executive (Jim up 12.


FILE CLERK. Light typing $173 MALE 15. SALES TRAINEE. Car furnished 16. SALES-BRANCH MANAGER $600 plus 17.

LOANS MANAGER $500 in riTV SACKS Cnllese 5IM.t55n 19 CLERK-TYPIST $300 20. COUNTER SALES. Shipping and receiving 2t0 up 21. APPLIANCE REPAIRS CENTENARY EMPLOYMENT Elizabeth Cox, 3-7602 324 Ricou-Brewster Bldg. BOOKKEEPER.

Oil $325 SECRETARY, Personnel $300 SECRETARY. Oil. 5 day $300 STATISTICAL Typist $300 ASSISTANT Bookkeeper $275 BILLING Clerk. Typist $220 SECRETARY. Insurance $200 STENO.

5 day $325 COMPTOMETER. Trainee $225 WAITRESSES Experienced. Amber Inn Restaurant. 1911 E. Texas.


12:00 A.M. Shreveport Times: May 29th through June 27, I960..

The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.