Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Civilian Defense I Sons at Banquet and and Guests Churchmen Honor SPECIAL LOW MAY RATES Approved os little of $5 OR VETS Under I Officers Laud Bill Rights Enrolls You Greek Battle Tactics 22 6 DUPONT CIRCLE CO 6290 Other Guests Why a More and et ILeSS iiiivmational Soundphoto Girl Killer 14 in Court Just Lone Challenger In another resolution It voiced anti says Topping and Lana I r' ule 8 1 1 1 agreement sn fnrrihlv Partles guests arrive Elks' Guests ww wiMBiuumouM AmveJoaay'y Nil SIT onlyJIV 5 ADVERTIsem*nT Hutchins Hies to After German Visit NewRuss Envoy in China 1 1 am 02 screws? CARNJMlfi (tcles from 7 1 50 kM WESTERN AUTO Satisfaction Or Money Guaranteed will Her BAR TACKED HERE AND AT All OTHER POINTS STIAINI 37 its At DRUB VP YOUR CAR NOW WITH A NEW STT 0 HAT COVERS MOM WIITIRN AUTO PROTICT YOUR CAR! APPEARANCE ANO RE4AU VALUE BO WHY WASH TIME MONEY AND INIRDY IN NEEDLESS WANOERINOT COME TO WESTERN AUTO THIS WEEK AND GET EXACTLY THE SEAT COVER YOU NEED AT THE PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY gins and Comdr" Ralph Parr Included in the brilliant event will be some 500 flags banners and colors The service is in honor of the war dead In the parade will be soldiers sailors and marines of World War I and II some old timers from earlier wars school cadets and Boy and Girl Scouts units of the Navy Marine and Coast Guard and patriotic groups Entrance to the cathedral grounds will be by the Massachu setts avenue gate at Wisconsin avenue 1717 KING STREET ALEXANDRIA VA Open Saturday 9 Other Days WHY WAITT BUY NOW PAY LAHR UM YOUR CREDIT AT WESTERN AUTO AND PAY AB YOU ENJOY COOLER MORE COMPORT ABU DRIVING COMS IN THIS WEIK SURI I THOUSANDS OP MOTORISTS NAVE CHOSEN HOLLYWOOD SEAT COVERS OVER ALL OTHERS BOR UAUTY COMPORT AND LONG WEAR WESTERN! HUGE BUYING POWER ENABLES US TO OER YOU THESE HIGH QUALITY COVERS AT PRICES Will BELOW THEIR TRUE VALUE HOLLYWOOD SEAT COVERS ARE SOLD ONLY AT WESTERN AUTO Patrick archbishop amfrcan'acadfaiy lO beauty culture Two students winners of a 11000 trip from Shenandoah Iowa to Washington under the sponsorship of the Elks are sched uled to arrive at Union station to day 1217 GEORGIA AVE SILVER SPRING Open Dally I A 911 SHEET IE OMR Dally I AM RANKURT Germany May ft SI (AP) Dr Robert Hutch 1 ft tag chancellor of the University I ft of Chicago left by air for theft United States today after visiting ft Heldelburg university He said an! ft exchange of professors between i ft University' of Chicago and ft rankfurt university had been ft quite successful and that more? ft professors will be exchanged soon ft peeled to attend the twenty first annual massing of the colors at 4pm today in the open air amphi theater of the Washington cathe dral In case of rain the service will Religious political military dip lomatic civic and sports leaders listed as guests include: Archbishop the Most Rev John McNamara vicar general pf the Washingtondiocese: Brother Emile the Rev Brother Merry Alphonse SC secretary general of the Christian Brothers the Rev Brother Victor SC assistant to the general the Rev Brother Emilian SC provincial of the Baltimore district the Rev Brother A Philip SC assist ant in retirement the Rev Brother Claudius SC provin cial of Toronto Canada the Rev Brother idelis Thomas SC president of St John's college The Rt Rev Msgr John Cartwright DD rector St Mat cathedral the Rt Rev Patrick Catholic Thomas Thomas Rev Neil Gargan SJ principal Gonzaga high school Gen Carlos Romulo ambassador plenipo tentiary the Philippines brose O'Connell Court of Customs and Patents Judges! Aubrey ennell and Thomas I Quinn Miiniclnol nurt I supplement the dinner Justice Edward Curran of District court will be toastmaster Essary retired as bureau chief of the Baltimore Sun several months before his death in 1942 He had held the ppst for 30 years He had been also a reporter on the Norfolk Ledger the Baltimore Star and the Baltimore News or several years he was chief of the Baltimore bureau in London The high regard in which he was held by fellow newspapermen was evidenced by his being one of the few Washington corre spondents to serve as president of both the Gridiron and the National Press clubs 923 7 STREET NW On ThursdRy Sats 9 Other Days 9 6 Chewing gum and fingering her little purse Joyce Nichols4 slaver of a 5 year old playmate sits in the courtroom at Bakersfield Calif as the State deliberates her fate After six months of tests scientists said that Joyce has the mind of a child of 11 but is not insane SALONIKA Greece May American Army officers have commended the Greek com mand on the success of its cam paign in the Drama Valley north east of Salonika Gen Theodore Gregoropoulos commander of the Greek third army corps said yes terday 200 guerrillas had been killed and 158 captured in a two day battle in the area south of the Bulgarian border He said the rebel force numbered 2000 day sessions and evening group conferences will be Branch Rickey president of the Brooklyn Dodgers Dr Harry Byrd pres ident of Maryland university Mrs Olive Clapper Washington au thor and John Ecker Capital Transit executive MOW WIN6 Wl5TfltN AVT0S g6antc Say Ambassador to Attend Pierre Dupont secretary the Embassy of rance Signor Al berto Tarchiani ambassador plen ipotentiary Italy Gen Leobardo Ruiz military attache Embassy of Mexico Gen Alfredo Sanchez Embassy of Bolivia Donald Daw son assistant to the President Tom Clark attorney gen eral A Vanech and Vin cent Quinn assistants to the attorney general Sen McGrath of Rhode Island Sen Meyers of Pennsylvania Sen McCarran of Nevada Sen of Wyoming Rep Sasscer of Maryland Rep Hart of New Jersey Rep Sundstrom of New Jersey Chief Justice Bolitha Laws District Court Justice Harold Stephens 8 Court of Appeals Justices Matthew McGuire Curran Alexander Holtzoff Henry Schweinhaut District court Judges Joseph Jackson and Am fREE INSTALLATION of All Stat (overs Purchased DURING THIS SALE ot All Western Auto Stores Princeton Head to Speak Dr Harold Dodds president of Princeton university will speak at a noon luncheon tomorrow on Bulwark of Among other speakers during The Kenna Main post No American Legion will pick queen for competition in the lantic City Labor day contest during a boat i ride on the SS Potomac Tuesday I at 8:30 pm 394! MINN VE NE AT BENNING HO Opin Daily 1 9 1731 1 Mt NE OH Daily 9 AM American Legion Post To Select a Celebrities from all walks of life will be among more than 1000 expected tomorrow night when the Men of St John's present the i second annual father son banquet at 7:30 in the Statler hotel A full program of entertain KOENIGSBJERG JEWELERS 1201 PENNSYLVANIA A1E IW Sell them for us for spot cash or leave them with us to sell for a small brokerage fee Bring your unwanted jewelryto Sherman's Jewelers whether you're aprivate owner or a trustee for an estate No estate is too large or small (we buy gems worth $500' to $50000 and we pa fair and just prices) We make no charge 411VA1V BAAAVL CBVBAAVVAV RntMUV WW VAIV WllUdC 1 UU1 1 1 M11N EC riKlt'HVU! sports teams of the college will College publications were of inignest cnaracter Mrs Murphy stated that gift was being given to carry tne wisnes of herself daughters as a memorial to late husband The daughters Mrs Clyde Bruce Aitchison Mrs YOU CAN OH ANY STYLE OR TYM MAT COVERS YOU NEED NOW AT WISTIRN AUTO YOUR SIAT COVIR HIAD QUARTIRSI YOU CAN CHOOSE ROM A WIDE SELECTION THE NEWEST MATERIALS AND PATTERNS IN OUR HUGE STOCK AND REST ALL EVERY SET IS GUARANTEED AND PRICED TO SAVE YOU MONEYI gines The indulgent riedlob put rank Brewer of New Zea land in against him and Brewer lapped the' challenger Despite'many offers of challenges this is so far the only man to show up at the line In the background a moody Mr and Mrs Topping are hav ing a drink at the corner of the in Charlton Athletic club directors' room They are moody because they have Just learned that the ground capacity is 80000 and have been told that slightly less than 4000 paid to get in But the midget car enterprise la not folding up shall keep on at it noas ner agreement so lorcioiy i Rhe nearly spills her drink Dr Lehman PLATE SPECIALIST Plates Repaired While YoA Wait 5000 1939 Spanish Refugees Die in Mexico MEXICO CITY May 22 (AP) Of 20000 Spanish Republicans who took refuge here in 1939 more' a quarter have died Only 200 have asked that their caskets be returned one day to Spanish soil PanteonoEspanol where most Spanish Republicans are buried said it has over $5000 refugee graves registered Span ish embassy officials attributed the unusual death rate to the rigors of the Spanish civil war 8ATIMES HERALD Washington IC I Sunday May 23 1948 NANKING 'China May 22 Gen Roschin new Soviet amhumidor to China arrived to caytpiaxrup ms new auues JEWELERS 728 14th St NW Learn BEAUTY CULTURE AND EARN RIG MONEY! inst training In vary phon el beauty culture Incfi vidual a 1 1 1 1 Dey evening er part time clones Post tlon guaranteed Cen venient forme ranged The Most Rev DD Washington and the Rev Brother Athanase Emile JSC superior general of the Christian Brothers will be guests of honor Jack Detapsey former world heavyweight boxing champion also has been invited to sit at the head table and yesterday an nounced he would make every effort to attend 5 Jack George all around St athlete and basketball cap I tain will receive ah award on be half of his team and will be per sonally rewarded with the Civitan plaque annually reserved for the boy showing outstanding qualities of leadership and achieve ment McCormick rector university the A Moran rector St the Apostle church: the Come In Rhone COlumbie 6290 or write for free booklef MM I KlnOlr Send Me Booklet NAMB I tTREBT l'ITY vnut CAR! nio ING COMORT Georgetown Hospital To Hold Open House Georgetown hospital will hold "open house" at 2 pm tomorrow Including tours of the new 405 bed structure and inspection of the 41 clinics in the outpatient department Castle presi dent National Capital Area Hos pital council announced yester The tours willbe held ihrotiehnilf the aft ernnnn 7 3140 STREET MW GEORGETOWN ORR riday 1 fiat 1 9 Other Daye 9 6 1213 GOOD HOPE RD 5E ANAco*kTIA 1 0H Dally AM They are Eloise Hagglund and be held in the Great Choir of the Maurice Buffer both 16 They cathedral Were chosen by a committee of' a concert by the Marine school teachers on the basis of band at 3:30 pm will precede the joint! Mili church activities and personality tary Order of the World Wars and The youngsters chaperoned by i the cathedral Nelle Huharty Shenandoah Eng The parade willinciude four lish teacher will be greeted at the main divisions led by Lt' Colstation by the exalted ruler of Bertram White Lt Col Paul wuningion ijoage ino id ana me band They will be taken to the Mayflower hotel CONVERT YOUR DIAMONDS INTO CASH at Jewelers Parley to Hear Capital Leaders Herihey on Program Other principal speakers include MaJ Gen Lewis shey wartime selective service di rector who will discuss the pro posed peacetime draft and Ed gar Hoover BIdirector The conference sponsored by the National Council for Commu nity Improvement has the off! cial recognition of President Tru man who wrote to Thomas Beck board chairman: communities need to de velop sound yet flexible plans which will best meet present re 1 quirements and future situa 70000 Expected to Witness Massing of Colors at Cathedral More than 10000 persons are ex ilmer Lt Col Horace Hlg The George Washington uni Samuel Ansell Jr and Miss versify board of trustees yester Elene Esasry an of Washington uny auiiuuiiveu eauwiuuimenii ui the Jesse rederick Essary Jour nalism prize fund in honor of the memory of the late chief of the Washington bureau of the Balti more Sun University officials said that Helen Essary the present Mrs William Murphy and widow of Mr Essary had given the sum of $3000 to the university to sustain a S100 vearlv award tn a xtnripnt ment and athletic awards to the whose journalistic endeavors on the When Kidneys WorkTooOflen Are you embarrassed and inconvenienced by too frequent elimination during! the day or night1 This symptom as well as Smarting Passages Backache Leg Pains Nervousness Rheumatic Pains and Swollen Angles may be due to non organic and non systcmic Kidney and Bladder troubles In cases the very first dose of the scientifically compounded medicine called Cyrtex (usuallyoes to work right now helping you these ways: 1 Helps nature remove irtltating excess acids poisonoiM wastes and pertain i germs 2 This cleansing action helps nature alleviate many pains aches soreness and 4 stiffness 2 Helps reduce frequent nigral and day calls thus promoting better sleept Get Cystex from druggist today Money back guaranteed unless Cystex satisfy you Just Having Topping Honeymoon the out in addition to his honorary de her gree from George Washington uni her versity he received a like degree are from his alma mater Emory and Awe AzxIlArvA Alvlllj VvIIvqC II 9 II I I I mnn cMPn rssarv wiaow tstao isnes Jo ete athers Scholarship und at GWU Veteran Sen McKellar D) of challenged I Tennessee jumped into the hot Tennessee Democratic senatorial primary yesterday to support John A Mitchell for the seat now held by Sen Stewart (D) of Ten nessee McKellar who will be 80 next Jan 29 hinted he may seek an invitation that it send an observer to the council's meeting in Am Tonight at Charlton stadium ajsterdam this summer lone English challenger turned up jn another resolution it voiced in a spidery sort of contraption opposition to as driven by coupled motorcycle en CjSm political ecclesiasticism and dteBiA AAA 'AB A schedule of activities has wantea: $duuuu worth of Diamonds Waam klnnnarl fni' fnam tnhioh ill i (91 keep them busy through next Sun ft they will return Jto Iowa by plane ft JZ wuinii municipal court i Morris ay attorney Joseph O'Connell CAA: Adm Louis Denfield chief of naval operations Gen Hoyt Vandenberg Air orces Maj Gen Anken brandt USA communications: Maj Gen loyd Parks 8 Army special staff Maj Gen Kenneth Nichols chief small arms weapons forces Rear Adm Stone chief naval communi cations Rear Adm John Man ning chief bureau of docks and wharves: Brig Gen William Riley U8MC and Maj Gen William A Wallace USMC Civilian defense plans capable of meeting future military emer gencies will be mapped during a three day conference on commu nity improvement opening at 10 am tomorrow in the Statler Russell Hopley director of' civil defense planning in the of 1 fice of the Defense Secretary will outline preparedness steps to be: carried out in towns cities rural areas By GRAHAM MILLER London May 22 ny Newsi To be a millionaire to be on a I honeymoon with Lana Turner in a luxury suite in Savoy I hotel seems to add up to all the best things that could happen to a man These things are all happening to Henry (Bob) Topping jr and it is this dis tasteful duty to record that Top ping seems at the moment to be slightly more than miserable Soured by Rock iring Apart from a brief and some what bitter joviality creasing his handsome features on official oc as ions Bob Topping cannot really have been said to smile since a churlish London crowd tossed a few casual but well aimed rocks at his and car as it was leaving the British Broadcast ing building a few nights ago Bob and Lana came over here at the beginning of this month on a much advertised honeymoon They came over also to help boost the inauguration of midget car racing in Britain Bert riedlob and Norman Ha nak partners in the enter prise had been paving the way for some days before their arrival Then things began to go wrong The fabulous and lovely Lana arrived more than an hour late for her first press conference By the time she did appear only two reporters from small out of town papers remained for the confer ence Crowds Sour foo 7 The opening night of the midget ear racing ominously was May is Baptists Extend 'McKellar Backs $1 ight on Alcohol Mitchell in Race uie green center swara ne guipeu once or twice dropped his notes MEMPHIS Tenn May 22 (AP) and introaucea Dana as miss i southern Baptists their ancient today It turned out that he wasn a as they completed the business movie fan and that he really had i sessions of their ninety first an only the vaguest idea of who Lana nuaj convention wiviii A MV vv I nluan rirov tn au a rvAl wi think much of midget car racing "They keeps on going rahnd ana hear thp new conventinn nrpsi other Senate lerm in 1952 and never seems to get no He issued a statement here where was one cash paying cus sermon tomorrow 'backing Mitchell Cookeville crim comment ln a serm tomorrow jnal court judge and pralslng Ed By the tune the fourth meeting! The convention agreed to i ward crump powerful Mem came the crowds had dwindled broaden its fight against whisky phis Democratic leader who is to a very few thousand There by calling on all Southern Bap 1 suppOrting Mitchell were empty spaces on the ter lists to pledge their votes against The Democratic primary is araces and a strong fifth column I the manufacture and sale of alco three man contest with Rep Es of larkish London Sehins who holic beverages tes Kef auver of Chattanooga also had been let by indulgent gate The group re emphasized its re 'seeking Stewart's job playlng arouna fusai to join the World Council McKellar said attacks upon the blank spaces of churches and turned down an Crump those representing other candidates caused him to change his mind and issue the statement "I had thought sometime ago that I was out of politics and so announced" said McKellar who is dean of the Senate and first came to Congress 37 years ago as a House member conditions in Tennessee have about caused me to change my mind I leave that WIDE UNO HEAVY WEIGHT NEW VINYL TYPE IcATHERETTE ACROSS TOP RONT AND REAR SEATS! NO RAW EDGES INSIDE All SEAMS TUINED ROUND AND DOUILE STITCHD OR LONGER LIE AND EXTU STRENGTH) EASY TO CLEAN LONG WEARING SPECIAL SKIRTING! TOP QUAUTY TOUGH LACQUERED IBER IS WATER REPELLENT AND MAKES SLIDING IN OR OUT EA5YI STURDY ELASTIC INSERTS ON SIDES RONT AND REAR SEATS OR SMOOTH SNUG IT! EASY TERMS At low As 4 RID NQ Pi" uiAVSN JMOOTH WRINKLE "11 riT 5C(r a OR 4 rW A RSSSS Si MW Lr 4 'Ate ffi 1 1 da 1 1 i W': 11 iWIbII 1 I (I i hl ('I W0 ml fc' II I i I I Uua Sekrion of Sfvl and Paifpm? fven I it O' i rui1' tr MT I 1 A i I It PV VU 'Vir a iNK werr Kt i II a i 1 I "na lw 1 1 I BL 1 A 4 i 49866 Witches from $71 50 I.

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Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)
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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.